29 September 2008

Infinite Grace

Infinite Grace 2008

Well, got back from our 3rd annual Women of Faith weekend... and it was amazing as usual.

I only wish I could share more of it with you.

It's always a bit overwhelming to be able to relay every nourishing nugget we are fed there through the Women of Faith 'porch pals'. But, this year, it's especially difficult for me to share because unfortunately, I don't think I actually retained much of it!

Don't get me wrong.

I was blessed every second of the time spent in that arena. And as previously mentioned; I laughed. I cried. And felt God tugging on my heartstrings with each and every single one of those precious speakers and singers.

Unfortunately, however; due to the medication I had decided to start taking Friday (w/out thinking about it), I observed half of the conference through closed eyelids! I could've just curled up and fallen asleep right there in my seat. It didn't occur to me until Sunday that that was probably the reason. (Up until that point, I just figured it was due to the high altitude of our seats!) : )

Thankfully though, I did take a couple of notes during the pre-conference Friday, so I am able to share SOMETHING of the experience with you all. And how it still spoke to me, despite my semi-comatose state... : )

Okay, let's see... my complete notes from Patsy Clairmont (Friday morning)... *drumroll*

1. Condemnation -vs- Conviction
2. "God has not forgotten you."


Okay, now let's see what I picked up from Jan Silvious, later that day... *drumroll*

1. "Do what you can or have to do. And leave the rest to God."
2. "Pray this prayer: 'Lord, I give everything I know of me to everything I know of You.' "

So, there you have it, Folks. My lengthy notes from an entire weekend of amazing speakers. Aren't you glad you had me to attend so I could now impart such wisdom for you on my blog?
Had I known I wouldn't retain the rest of the conference, I might've tried taking notes then, too! But, just trust me. It was an incredible weekend. One that may have momentarily bipassed my mind, but has left definite tracks on my heart. : )

Now, what still managed to speak to me, through my haze of remembrance was this...

No matter how long you wait to actually make the effort to 'pick up where you left off,
God is always there waiting... and on the same page.
You know the part I had mentioned from Patsy's being : "Condemnation -vs- Conviction" ? I had just read that same thing in my Priscilla Shirer book "Discerning the Voice of God" Wednesday night of last week. The book I've had since May. I had picked it up in searching for some kind of peace and guidance about being in the housing market, feeling very pressured and overwhelmed by the whole thing. And Priscilla sweetly pointed out that "There's a difference between God's convicting voice and the Enemy's condemning voice. Condemn means to consider something worthy of punishment. Convict means to bring something to light in order to correct it." (Almost verbatim of what Patsy then spoke Friday.)
And the part that spoke most to me about my situation: "The Thief's voice, unlike God's voice, threatens and intimidates on the basis of fear: 'If you don't do this, you'll be sorry!' It may order you or try to force you to do things. It is often urgent and pressing, sermonizing and demeaning: 'Do this now! If you wait, all will be lost!' " She reminds me that nowhere in the scriptures does God rush anyone into anything. He'd rather 'patiently and persistently give us clarity before requiring obedience'.
Reading that by Priscilla already made me feel much better, but then to have Ms. Patsy reiterate?... well, every little reinforcement helps.
And Patsy's sweet story of how she came about "God has not forgotten you." - well, that was just sweet and very encouraging. (Too long to include here, but I do actually remember that part, so maybe I'll share that one later down the line...) : )
Then, Jan Silvious got up to speak and began speaking on the story of Moses, being placed in the basket, and ending up in the Pharoah's palace...
On the way into the city Friday morning, Mom and her friend, Pam had just been discussing what they had been going over in their new bible study class on Wednesday mornings... and I bet you can guess what the topic of discussion had been for them... Moses, in the basket, ending up in the Pharoah's palace...
On the same page...
And her prayer of surrender just struck a real chord with me. And it's a great reminder for when I feel so buried under all my stress.
Oh, yeah. And she stated that modern science has proven that a large % of physical problems start in the mind... I can attest to that, for sure. But, good to know I'm not alone in that. : )
Then, Saturday, their guest speaker was Max Lucado. It was a real treat to get to hear him speak. I had only read his books until now, but have always enjoyed them. But, the parable that he had used in demonstrating God's love for us was that of the prodigal son.
Before I picked up Priscilla's book last Wednesday, I picked up John MacArthur's "A Tale of Two Sons" Tuesday night after bible study. The more indepth look at the parable of the prodigal son.
So, there you go!
I may not always be as in-tuned as I'd like to be, but at least I know that when I am plugged in, He's always right there with me! : )
And, indeed, He truly does live.
And if you ever doubt this, just watch Nicole C. Mullen sign this song while singing it in person. The chills that it brings to your skin and the tears it forms in your eyes will be all the proof you need. : )


Dianne said...

Sounds great! I heard Priscilla Shirer here a few months ago when she was with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur..also where I got my first taste of Mandisa (LOVE HER!)..I loved hearing Priscilla and want to read her book...is it good..or is that a dumb question? I'm glad you were able to attend..I wish we could LIVE at stuff like that, you know?

Luanne said...

Hey Jess--So glad to see you had a post up! It sounds like you had an awesome time. Don't worry about dozing for part of it--because as you know--God will just keep giving you the same message over and over--from different sources--until it kind of soaks in. At least--that's how it works for me! God bless!

Chanda Canup said...

Love it! thanks for sharing your blessing! Those events are incredibly encouraging.