09 March 2008

Women Of Purpose One-Day Conference
March 8 at Eastridge Community Church
Doors open and registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Relevant Breakout Sessions — Praise & Worship
Food & Fellowship

Guest Keynote Speaker: Marie Tittle

Marie Tittle is a gifted communicator and frequent speaker addressing the issues of women’s hearts. She is passionate about living a totally surrendered life to the Lord and for viewing everything in the light of eternity. Her message is effectively communicated through her keen sense of humor and down-to-earth spirit. She was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ International for five years, where she led Bible studies, served on local ministry field teams, and worked as a national fundraiser in the Orlando campus ministry headquarters. She has led numerous Bible studies and enjoys coaching women at various stages of life. Marie currently resides in Woodstock, Georgia where she works alongside her husband Scott, in their financial advisory business. Marie and Scott have a six month old daughter named Suzette.

Other Speakers:
("Daisies in Disguise")

Laurie Baggett
Ronda Neff
Gay Nash
Jamie Savage

"Digging Deeper" w/ Tracy Moore
God longs for us to know Him and walk with Him. And He has graciously given us the tools to do that. This class, led by Tracy Moore, will help engage women in the pursuit of a lifelong adventure in learning to love God with all out heart, soul, mind and strength.

"got dirt?" w/ Renee Rutledge
Finding God's purpose for our lives by allowing Him to use us... 'dirt' and all. Presented by Celebrate Recovery director, Renee Rutledge. "God uses our dirt for His good purpose and plan! God's purpose for you is for YOU only!"

~And, these are just the sessions I made it to! There were many others offered throughout the day! I know I've said it before, but I thank God every day for this church. I have never known a more genuine, God-adoring group in my life. And I am so proud to be a part of it.

As you see, we had a women's conference yesterday, from 8:30 - 4:00 and it was so amazing. I can only imagine the work that went into pulling it all together, but it certainly wasn't in vain. It was a huge success. We had praise and worship, followed by a wonderful guest speaker to start us off. Then we were treated to snacks at the cafe. By then, it was time to break off into smaller groups and head to our first class. At the end of that, they presented to us a HUGE, wonderful lunch brought to us by our own Ms. Hilda. From there, we went back into main session for more praise and worship. Next, we headed off to our second class of choice - followed by more snacks and then on to class #3. To wrap it all neatly up, we had more worship and praise (so well done by our musically-gifted girls!) and Marie Tittle to close us out.

SUCH an awesome day for all who made it out! And I am just so thankful for each of the girls who made it happen. For all those who donated their time and energy. For all those who labored over the delicious food. And for all those who humbled themselves enough to bare their souls in order to glorify God and encourage each and every one of us participants.
" The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

1 comment:

Quilting Bea said...

Sounds wonderful. I'm so glad you were able to make it...and thanks for sharing. Reminds me of what Anita Renfroe said, "You must be present to win."