09 March 2008

Book Meme
(passed along by Stephanie)

The Rules...

1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the 5th sentence.

4. Post the next 3 sentences.

5. Tag at least 3-5 people.

I saw this on "Notes from the Soul" the other day and thought: these kinds of things are always fun and interesting, so just out of curiosity picked up a book (one of the many) that I'd begun a while back and had not picked back up again - "Glory Revealed". Headed for page 123 and this is what I found...

"Turn your wrist over - look at it. How would it feel to have a rusted nine-inch spike driven between your bones? Isn't it ironic that we struggle with life being about our glory, right up until it comes to this moment? We want to play God and rule our own lives... until we're faced with being in Christ's shoes on that gruesome Friday. We live our lives struggling to let Christ be the Lord of our lives. We ignore Him and try to save ourselves until we reflect upon the cross. All of a sudden, our perspective changes."

I picked up a sentence or two before it, just because it's so much more powerful with it as a prelude to get the whole impact of David Nasser's point, and... Wow. What a great reminder coming up on the Easter season, but what a powerful reminder to me, personally in my own struggle for control. Just the perspective change I needed!

Some bloggers I would love to have participate in this 'meme' would be:




~Michele and Michelle :)



Shawn said...

Came across your lovely blog by chance when I was searching for Scott & Marie Tittle online. They were friends of mine in Orlando and we've lost touch. Do you have any contact info on them or know the name of their company? thanks much.

Jess said...

I'm sorry, I don't. I had actually looked for her under Google to see if she had a website I could refer people to, but couldn't find one.
She was a wonderful speaker! She truly blessed us Saturday.


ocean mommy said...

This was powerful! Now I've got to go and pick up that book!!!
