Am I the ONLY one???
So, I wake up this morning... and I'm already disappointed 'cause some guy is still filling in for Paul Harvey at 8:30 (though I am happy for Paul to get some time off). Then, I hear from my stereo, a couple just jabbering and chattering on about something. I think 'Now, I know I know better than to leave it on 104.7 with the dreaded 'Kevin and Taylor in the Morning' (GAAAAAAAAAG!)" So, I stumble out to make sure, and sure enough... it's on MY morning station... the GOOD one... the one that actually plays MUSIC in the morning. Lo and behold, they actually had the audacity to add a morning show to their station!!! Some husband and wife pairing from Vegas... and I ask you. WHY? ~ Why would I want to listen to some couple going on and on about their personal life and how funny their kids are and blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!...
Look, new people ~ I don't know you, and don't take this personally, but I DON'T CARE! I'm sure you are lovely people, but I just want my music... especially in the morning!! (Don't even get me started on Delilah and John Tesh at night!) But, the way I see it: if I had wanted to listen to talk radio, could I not just turn it on AM?? Oh, well. Looks like I'm outnumbered, so will just get to brush up on some of the good 'ole B-98.5 hits I hadn't heard in a while... they actually played some good ones this morning... so, until they get to jabbering on there... looks like it's waking up to Billy Joel, Elton John and Sweet Baby James!
So, I wake up this morning... and I'm already disappointed 'cause some guy is still filling in for Paul Harvey at 8:30 (though I am happy for Paul to get some time off). Then, I hear from my stereo, a couple just jabbering and chattering on about something. I think 'Now, I know I know better than to leave it on 104.7 with the dreaded 'Kevin and Taylor in the Morning' (GAAAAAAAAAG!)" So, I stumble out to make sure, and sure enough... it's on MY morning station... the GOOD one... the one that actually plays MUSIC in the morning. Lo and behold, they actually had the audacity to add a morning show to their station!!! Some husband and wife pairing from Vegas... and I ask you. WHY? ~ Why would I want to listen to some couple going on and on about their personal life and how funny their kids are and blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!...
Look, new people ~ I don't know you, and don't take this personally, but I DON'T CARE! I'm sure you are lovely people, but I just want my music... especially in the morning!! (Don't even get me started on Delilah and John Tesh at night!) But, the way I see it: if I had wanted to listen to talk radio, could I not just turn it on AM?? Oh, well. Looks like I'm outnumbered, so will just get to brush up on some of the good 'ole B-98.5 hits I hadn't heard in a while... they actually played some good ones this morning... so, until they get to jabbering on there... looks like it's waking up to Billy Joel, Elton John and Sweet Baby James!
I agree. As much as I love listening to FISH all day, I just tolerate Kevin and Taylor...or switch to 93.3 till they're done with their lame routine.
See...you need an iPod!!!!!!!!! How many times do I have to say this!!!!!!!
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