So, I get up this morning, and even though I got up early I'm running late... as usual. I throw on my capris (new ones, mind you), fresh out of the dryer, catch a glimpse of a little string at the bottom and lo and behold, the entire cuff comes undone! AGH! I have no time and am in no mood to pick out anything new at this point. So, I whip out some black thread and a little needle and very loosely stitch the hem back in place. Am halfway done when the phone rings.
It's mom.
She says: Yeah, hey. I was just wondering... do you have a spare key to your apartment, or do you just have the one?
Me: Uh, well, I just have the one.... why...
Mom: Well, you should really have a duplicate made... what if we were to need to get in and didn't have a key?
Me: ???
Mom: Why don't you just drop yours off on the way to work and dad'll go get you one made. Can you do that?
Me: Uh, I'd really rather do it after work.
Mom: Well... um...
Me: I mean, I've been her 5 1/2 years and you need a duplicate made by 10:00 this morning??
Mom: Alright, fine. I can't lie. We need to get into your apartment today. Can you bring your key or what?
Me: Alright. (???)
I drop the key off in a rush to work and tell her it better have something to do with Ed McMahon.
She assured me that it did not.
So about 2:00 this afternoon, I get a call at work from my sister.
She says: It was supposed to be a surprise, but I just need to ask you. What are all these clothes in your closet? Are the ones in the bags to keep or give to GoodWill? And the shoes all over the floor - I'm assuming that those are the ones you wear? And what about all the clothes thrown in a pile? Are those to keep?
Me: ???
Jodi: I came down to clean your apartment for you today, just as a favor for you. (but, I can't make heads or tails out of this mess and now I'm seriously re-thinking the whole thing!!!) :)
Me: (Aw, man. Was it really that bad the other day when Mom came to sit with me after my colonoscopy??) What prompted this?
Jodi: You just came to my mind during my quiet time this morning, so I decided to do this for you.
Me: (-------- ) - I mean, really what do you say to that?
You know the funny thing...
The last two mornings I've slept on the sofa. It's just easier for me to get up earlier out in the living room in front of the big open picture window on a sofa just from under a blanket than it is to crawl out of the comfy covers of a soft cozy bed with all the blinds and drapes drawn.
And I've committed to actually getting up to do devotions in the morning as opposed to nighttime.
And, if you know me at all, you know what a challenge this is for me.
But, I've always just used the excuse: God knows I'm not a morning person. He made me that way. :) And besides, I find I sleep better when I do it at night.
Problem is... I keep watching episode upon episode of either Frazier or M*A*S*H 'till like 2:00 in the morning and THEN decide 'well, it's too late now - I need to get to sleep - I'll just do better tomorrow night'. (Again and again and again...)
So, after being convicted by Anne Graham Lotz the other day (with her saying how hard it is for her to get up early and do her devotion time) I decided that this would be my way of showing God how serious I am about meeting with Him.
By fasting from my comfy bed and snoozing time.
Now, granted... it's in small steps, mind you!
Yesterday morning, I sat up, read my "Streams" and laid back down, just listening to 90.7 ('amen'ing them with my eyes closed).
But, today, I actually read "Streams", got out my Bible and read our daily reading from Acts that our church is doing and then laid back down, but this time, with the radio turned off, just more or less talking to God in my half-comatose state.
But, not really dealing with any specifics (I'd covered them the night before in my prayer journal) I was really just more or less trying to be obedient. Just saying "Okay, here I am Lord. Speak to me. Don't speak to me. But, I am yours (at least semi-consciously) for these 30 minutes."
Next thing I know, the phone is ringing and mom's looking for the key to my apartment.
Jodi's just been thinking of me in her quiet time.
And if that's not God showing His love for me and acknowledgement for the little sacrifice I've made the last two days... I don't know what is.
And that beats anything Ed McMahon could ever bring to my doorstep.
Thank you, Sis.
You and Savannah (and Mom) made my day.
Love you all.
I'm glad I could play just a small part. We love you, very much!
How awesome....what a blessing.
So glad that God gave you a very tangible hug that day....we all need those once in a while, and they are 'the berries'.
How great! You deserve it, Jess. What a blessing you and Jodi live so close! And keep on keepin' on with devotion in the morning!
I just read Jodi's blog and I have tears. What a sweet thing for you sis to do for you, but what a kiss from your King this morning! WOW! He really showed off for you didn't He?!
I didn't realize you have Crohn's. My husband was diagnosed 14 years ago and his sister was just dianogesd this past December. We will be praying for you! Hang in there...
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