I just received a note to say that I had something from Dianne over at Glasses of Grace. So I headed over to her blog and this is what I found said about me and my blog:
Jess at Bittersweet: Another random find, besides Jill, that I just love. She finds great lessons in the ordinary things and right now has a great post about the change dishes you find beside registers in stores. I'll never see one of those again without thinking of her post on this....WOW!
How sweet is that! I am touched, flattered, honored, and encouraged to dig deeper and put my heart more fully back into my blog. To be quite honest, I'm surprised that anybody would be the least bit impressed with my blog in the past several months. As I have just been more or less 'out of touch'. Just coasting along. In the past, when I had a closer walk with God, words and ideas just seemed to 'strike' and pour forth. These days, not so much. Which makes it all the more evident that He is the One providing me the words on the more profound posts! Hopefully, with the added encouragement from sweet Dianne, I will be able to re-connect, not only with you all but with God once again.
Being as I'm not all that impressed with my latter posts, here are some I feel I had been guided on, in previous months:
We Could All Use a Little 'Change'
Master Craftsman
Jesus, Take the Wheel
Life's in Pieces
Grateful Heart
Makin' a Splash
Okay... Now for the blogs I look most forward to reading each day!
http://www.glassesofgrace.blogspot.com/ Dianne just seems to be 'on the same page' as me SO many times! When I first read her blog, I just had to laugh because there were so many similarities in our thinking. :) And she has been my biggest supporter besides my family. Although we've never officially met, I consider her a dear friend whom I am very blessed to have found. Thank you, Dianne!
http://www.jodiyork.com/ Jodi - the very person who got me into blogging! Albeit by accident initially! :) Her blog is cute and funny at times, with stories of the kids and inspiring at other times. She's my sister and what can I say? I love her and I'm proud of her - as a sister, a friend and the mother she's been.
http://hendersonshighlights.blogspot.com/ Michelle is relatively new to the blog world, but a friend of mine for years now. I'm excited to share in this experience with her and thank her for her encouragement as well.
http://ohfiddle-dee-dee.blogspot.com/ Lyndy is a new visitor to my blog and she has had several posts that I have connected on over at her blog, just in the last several weeks. So, I look forward to more from her!
http://fiddledeedee.net/ I just recently discovered this blog through 'Inspired by Faith' and it is HILARIOUS!! A stay-at-home mother who just keeps it real and keeps you laughing.
Congratulations! After seeing that Dianne's had recognized you on her blog, I thought I'd come for a visit. I've really enjoyed myself and I can see why Dianne thinks you're special. You are!
Congratulations! Thank you so much for the nomination. It truly means so much. I never expected to be so blessed by my blog.
Thanks again.
Big Hugs, Lyndy
Thanks for the nomination! I nominated you back, see my comments! You're the BEST!!
Ok, great, now I have more blogs to check out!
Just when I thought I had shown my husband that blogging isn't an obsession!
Keep up the blogging Jess, you bless me...
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