Well, after the week I had last week, I was thankful just to make it to my 33rd birthday! And even though I had to work, I must say I had a wonderful birthday after all.
I was reminded all day (and week) long through cards and phone calls, just how many people God has blessed me with over the years ~ each one bringing something special into my life. Lynn had a balloon waiting for m
e at work. Sally brought me my favorite Truffle cake, special made in Athens. Jeremy and Jodi had a wonderful cook-out at their house and an entertaining night of bowling (of which I incidently won the second game ~ thank you very much!) :) Mom got me a Bruster's ice cream cake (YUM!) per my request. I got some great new books to read and movies to watch and ITunes to figure out (hopefully with some help from Jodi) and some very sweet cards. I have truly been blessed. And I thank God for each and every one of whom He has blessed me through. But, I think the one that takes the cake would have to be Miss Savannah. I was honored that her very first ballet recital fell on my birthday and I got to go catch that before work. And I'm so glad I did. For what better present could I ever ask than to have my sweet non-conformist niece stop the recital, take center stage just to tell everyone that she loves her Aunt Jess (among others... for the 'rest of the story', check out www.jodiyork.com)! That little gift will be sure to stay with me for some time! So, thank you Savannah, and Aunt Jess loves you, too! :)

Well, too bad I didn't know it was your birthday...I would have added my good wishes too! I'm glad you had such a chance to celebrate...and I'm with you on the niece thing. When you don't have kids of your own, NOTHING in this world is sweeter than hearing them say that they love you...and all the better if it's in front of a bunch of people! :-) My oldest niece will be 13 in August and it is still just as sweet to hear her say it now as it was when she was a little girl. I had read your sister's blog, but didn't realize it was your birthday, so accept my good, albiet late, wishes as well!
Thank you! That's very sweet of you. I guess I'm just a few days behind your sister! :)
Yeah, a few years (8)...and two days! But she might not like me sharing the 'years' part! :-) Oh well...what she doesn't know....
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